Saturday, June 5, 2010

Burning Blogs

So. . .I kind of change blogs at the rate of. . .I can't think of anything nerdy to say because it's only 7:41AM. . .but at any rate (har har), I've fallen in love with WORDPRESS. It has a really nice, easy-to-use and all-encompassing interface, which actually will allow me to do more with my posts. I 1st started using it for a Model UN blog--it was totally impromptu & voluntary--but I really liked the the way you could organize your blog entries, include other pages and such. So yesterday, I decided to try it out for a personal blog!

So after many, MANY years of using Xanga (this isn't even my 1st one or the one I used during my most active times on Xanga), I finally found a new home at Blogspot. . .but have now moved on to wordpress. Is this indicative of my personality? Nah, I'm just trying to keep up with the times. The funny thing is, I think most of the changing of blogs happened during summer. . .probably out of boredom -___- There's another explanation!

To my Blogspot followers, I hope you will continue to read my posts at my new domain! :)

Monday, May 24, 2010


Down to earth
  1. Realistic; sensible.
    1. Not pretentious or affected; straightforward.
    2. Not overly ornate; simple in style.

mentally and emotionally stable : admirably sensible, realistic, and unpretentious


4 a : to restrict to the ground b : to prohibit from taking part in some usual activities

I would say that right now, I am experiencing definition 4b of Grounded. Perhaps it will help me be the adjective form of the same word as well?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tinted glasses

I think it's interesting how without realizing it, we talk to different people in a different manner. Or if they ask us a question, we judge them on why they're asking the question and will give an answer with some sort of hidden prejudices.

But on formspring, when people ask questions anonymously, I answer them without any kind of judgments because I have no idea who asked them, so I don't have to tailor my responses to who is asking the question. And in one aspect, I really like that and wish that were true in real life situations. It's hard to be completely unbiased in real life.

Another thing I realized: the way you see people/how you view them physically changes as you get to know a person better.

Maybe someone looked strange to you at first, but after you interact with them, you either get used to their appearance or you begin to associate them with other things about them, other than physical appearances. The best example I can think of is identifying identical twins--of course at first glance, they look the same, but over time as you know more about each of them, you begin to view them differently and you begin to identify unique characteristics about them. It's interesting how that works, even with the most identical sets of twins.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Something unpredictable. . .

". . .In the end it's right. I hope you have the time of your life."

How many times have we heard those words--played at graduations, goodbye parties and just in general? But in all honesty, Greenday could not have said it any better. Life is unpredictable, but through all the obstacles, the failures, surprises and successes, what happens is meant to happen. I know that we make choices every single day that affect our life, but sometimes things are literally random and out of our control. I think of it as entropy, sort of.

My whole 1st year college experience can be described by that Greenday song & entropy. I hated the school before applying, got in, fell in love with it after visiting for a second time and still love it here every single day, no matter what happens. Sometimes, I walk by the Rotunda or anywhere pretty on grounds and think to myself, "How did I end up on such a beautiful campus? I'm so blessed to be in Mr. Jefferson's university and to be in such a happy place and point in my life." And to think I almost didn't apply.

And then there's CSA, another opportunity I almost missed out on because I thought it'd be lame. But by deciding to go to a meeting on a whim and filling out a form to be placed in a family, I ended up finding a 2nd family, which came with a set of brothers that I never had, but sometimes wish I did. And ever since that random decision, I have made lasting friendships and tried new things that I never thought I would--HIP HOP!?!?!

So basically order and "the time of my life" came out of random acts and what were initially perceived to be disorderly or negative activities. But more importantly, I think I've learned the importance of embracing the natural tendency for unpredictability in life. I've been fighting unpredictable events for a long time. . .but I think I'm finally starting to embrace it (a little). That doesn't mean I'm gonna go all Dao & just let life run it's course. It simply means that I will be more appreciative of the random occurrences of life, especially since some of the best things that have happened to me were by mostly by random occurrences or chance, whatever you'd like to call it.

Anyway, I should get back to reading so I'm not completely screwed for all the finals that I have to get As on! Can't wait until this semester is over :) So ready for summer & Fall2010!

Monday, April 19, 2010


Saturday, April 17, 2010

You know how there are certain things that you really love doing and once you start, it's hard to stop? That's how it is with me and doing anything Model UN related, or planning an event/program/meeting. . . and shopping :D

It makes me wonder how come doing those things (the former two rather than the latter) don't seem like doing work even though I'm still doing something productive. I guess it's because I love doing it. Planning, organizing, networking, communicating, researching, writing, and being an activist are all things that come naturally to me and things that I enjoy doing. I know I'm supposed to be educating myself and gaining more knowledge and skills. . .but these things are so tedious and boring sometimes. I certainly do not want to do math problems all day, every day.

I guess what I'm saying is I'm not really cut out to be an intellectual? And I'm having trouble finding more academic things that I enjoy doing. . .which sort of worries me. I want to be just as passionate about an academic field as I am about all the other activities that I do. I want to love a subject so much that I won't mind all the work that I have to do, just like I don't mind doing a lot of tedious research & work for Model UN or for any leadership position I take on. I really hope (for the sake of my future) that I will discover it soon.

For now, I guess I just have to keep on mindlessly doing calculus and accounting problems. . .

Monday, March 8, 2010

March Madnezzzz

No, I am not posting about basketball. That would not be me at all.

Here are some things I've been thinking about lately:

1. Why are there so many discourteous, socially inept people in the world? I'm not just talking about young people who haven't experienced the world enough, I'm talking about adults too, people who should know better but don't.

2. For the first time since elementary school, I have closer white friends than I do Asian friends. (I was going to say MORE, but I realized that's still not true. I know a lot of Asians at school.) And I'm wondering if that's simply because I live with mostly white girls or because I have actually looked around and have not found any Asian girls that I'd like to be friends with. I think it's a mixture of both. Asians, particularly the ones in my class, are especially. . .I'm not even sure how to describe them. Weird? Annoying? Immature? Cutthroat? On another note, I also like being friends with girls who are not in my major and boys who are, because studying math-related subjects with boys is more effective than studying with confused girls.

3. I am working on developing a personal style, which is a lot of work because I've been soaking in images from various fashion blogs & trying to recreate some looks while trying to imagine if I would look good in certain articles of clothing. I really want to go shopping.

4. How close are you to people you've only met briefly, but had an amazing bonding experience, but have not seen in years? Close enough to spend lots of money on train/bus/plane tickets to visit them if you ever get the chance?

5. I really wish it was spring semester second year and my future was more decided.

6. I need to work harder after spring break & stop skipping lectures ><"

7. I should also start toning my body, as the weather is getting warmer & I will soon have to shed my layers & expose more of myself. Yikes.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Payoffs & Tradeoffs

How many times have you thought, "Man, my hard work has finally paid off!"

And how many times have you thought about whether that statement is TRULY true? Sure, in life we generally think of any accomplishment or benefit as a success or gain, but what about the NET results? Did the A on an exam really outweigh the negative physical & mental consequences resulting from the hours & hours of studying and sacrificing of sleep and sanity? Would you still say that your hard work was paid off if you had gotten a B+? How much do you value your time, energy and health--enough to almost exhaust them completely in order to get a desired result?

Often, while we choose to engage in one action and give up another, we don't really think about whether the tradeoffs are worth it. Or maybe that's just me--overly optimistic and narrow minded about the fact that I can't do everything, so I will just have to pick & choose. I'd rather not choose, because it's hard to say whether I'm making the right decision most of the time. I can already feel my body aging three times as fast as a normal person's, from all the caffeine I consume & the little sleep I get ><"

So, here's what I want to know: out of the following list, how would you rank how much you value each item? Is there anything not on the list that you also value?

Intellectual Gains
Spiritual/Religious enlightenment

Thursday, February 18, 2010

One step behind

As I'm looking at my completely crammed agenda and thinking about how often times, I don't think ahead and deadlines creep up on me, quite a few idioms/adages came to mind:

Too little too late (if that even counts?)
One step behind
The early bird gets the worm
Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy and wise.

Mainly, "one step behind" seems to be a common theme to my life. In dance, I'm ususally one of the last people to pick up the choreo. . .or late in doing the moves. . .or just doing them completely wrong ><"

And in life, I get so caught up doing daily activities as simple as studying, going to class & working that I forget to do important things ahead of time like search for internships/scholarships. Before I know it, I only have 1 or 2 weeks to complete a rigorous application, ask for reference letters & etc. Maybe I should have looked into these things ahead of time. . .

All of this just makes me wonder: am I even good at anything anymore? Is being a capable person in general areas worse than being great at a few specific tasks? Or maybe I'm just pushing myself too hard and trying to bite off more than I can chew. If so, how am I supposed to and when will I figure out which things to leave behind & which things to focus on?

Basically everything is a trade off and I can't seem to figure out the marginal costs & benefits properly. Too bad there's no MC & MB Life Calculator or something.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

No room for regrets

I'm not sure how I ended up where and in the condition that I ended up, but I'm fairly positive that it had to do with the uncharacteristically large amount of alcohol that I consumed in the course of 4 hrs. One minute I was having fun, taking pictures and before I could protest my own body, I found myself hurling the contents of my dinner over an outdoor couch.


I'll spare everyone the details (or at least of what I remember), and I'll spare myself some humility, but the main point of the experience isn't really about staying away from alcohol (though that IS a very important lesson that I have learned). I realized that in the short time I have left of this semester, of the semesters I have before applying to the Comm school, before I graduate and before I get my first job, there aren't many places for me to mess up, regret my actions or to start over. While lying in bed, surrounded by my friends, I recognized the moment as the point when the tragic hero experiences catharsis--the recognition of a flaw, that is to bring about his tragic downfall.

There I was, having my own mini tragic downfall. And I'm not about to let one happen for real.

Having officially started taking the "real" pre-requisite business-related classes, I realized how lacking I am in all departments.

I don't really have any idea of what I want to get out of my commerce education.
Nor do I know enough about business/the economy to make and sound statements that truly display my interest, passion and understanding of the subject that I'm SUPPOSED to be passionate for and knowledgeable in.
I don't have any distinct hobbies or strengths that define me as a person.
I can't even begin to imagine what the real world is like outside of school right now, since I'm just about up to my thighs in work.

I really admire those individuals with a unique sense of character, style, a sense of who they are and a strong sense of purpose. It's purpose that drives them to accomplish great things. I need to discover more purpose--or at least a greater purpose than trying to get into the Comm school.