Five episodes of Sex and the City and 3 pills later, I am contently curled up with my laptop & my boyfriend's old T-shirt. It's different being home, now that I've spent most of my time away. In a way, I do feel at home and comfortable, but I also feel like somewhat of a stranger in my own home. With nothing to keep me busy during the day, unlike my high school years, I don't really know how to fit in with everyone else's schedule. Do I still do the dishes, or has someone else replaced me? Or maybe I should clear the table. Would it be weird if I actually practiced violin?
I sort of just find myself wanting to either veg out, be with friends or try to catch a good time to talk to he-who-is-3,000 miles-away. And sometimes, I find myself wishing to go back to school, where even on days when I'm so tired and busy, I feel like I'm doing something worthwhile.
Anyway, my jaw is bothering me too much for me to continue with these thoughts. Hopefully I'll be able to fully chew my food soon. Maybe that's the only part of being home that bothers me.